
No mining interests reported since 1999 on this industrial mineral producer from Baja according to CMH 2001-2002

Bonaventure Resources Ltd.   Delisted TSX-V June 16, 2001

Limestone producer from northern Baja. Presently shut down during a re-evaluation of exploitation practices. Disposing of out-dated and inefficient assets. Renegotiating Garduno lease. Oro Blanco Mine near La Rumorosa can handle 400 tons/hr through crusher. Also Isidro Puentes calcitic marble property in Baja. Reshaping its operations in Canada, U.S. and Mexico. Working on trying to resolve the chemistry issue with Vitro Glass are continuing.

CSW 16May97
CSW 24Jan97
CMH 1994-1995
CMH 1995-1996