

La imaginaciķn no es una debilidad

IMDEX/Cascabel's "Un-Official Directory"
Compaņias Activas 2001-2005
Dasher Exploration Ltd. (Optioned La Juliana from Chesapeake)
Defiance Mining Corp. (Now Rio Narcea Gold Mines Ltd.)
Desert Sun Mining Corporation (Primary interest is Jacobina Mine in Brazil)
Destorbelle Mining Ltd.
Dia Bras Exploration
Diadem Resources Ltd.
Dowa Mining Company Ltd.
Dundareve Resources Inc. (ex-Consolidated Jaba Resources)
DynaResource Ltd.

NOTE: companies listed with strikethrough appear to be presently inactive in Mexico based on lack of any Mexico-related press releases in last couple of years.

Compaņias Dormidas, que se fueron ķ totalmente muertas
Dakota Mining Corporation  (Bankruptcy and delisted from VSE on 06/04/99)
Dakota Resources Ltd.  (Left mining for oil & gas to become Dynamix Corporation)
Daleco Resources Corporation  (Present incarnation off radar screen)
Diagem International Resource Corp.  (Focus is on diamonds and gold in Brazil)
Dore Exploration Ltd.  (Private company? Not much recent news)
Duran Ventures Inc.  (Formerly Duran Gold Corporation)
Dynamic Ventures Ltd.  (Delisted from ASE on 11/23/99)

SEDAR's complete "D" list of Canadian Public Companies
(quickest route to archive of public company's documents)

to C to E

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