
Privately held Mexican small mining company based out of Estado de Mexico. Grupo Anfaza S. A. de C. V. is a Mexican mining company established in 1996 as a consulting, exploration and exploitation mining firm. Past responsibilities have been as consultants to Northern Crown and meridian Mining companies

Grupo Anfazaa S.A. de C.V.

Small mining company working on projects in several states including Nayarit, Jalisco and Veracruz.  Some of the projects are listed below:

Santa Mario del Oro District, Jalisco. High-grade gold silver mineralization in veins, disseminated gold and Cu-Mo are also present. The San Guillermo, El Dragon and El Fraile Mines are located within this property package.

Tatatilia - Las Minas, Veracruz. Skarn type gold dissemination and Au-Cu veins. La Miquita mines with 22 levels are the principal mines on the property.

Real de Huicicilia, Nayarit. High-grade gold veins with silver.The Miravales mine has two levels and is within the claim area.

WWWinfo 20Oct03